A qns for Everyone
About Myself=]
1.What will I be most focused on most of the time?DotA,PSP and Going Out Wif frenz
2.What do you want the most now??
Great Result!=) Also More Frenz
3.Who is the person you trust the most?
Everyone..E.g [Darren,SiWei and 9best XiaoYous Buddy etc]
4.Do you think you have enough confidence?
Absolutely NO!!!
5.If you have a dream to come true, what will it be?
Be A Pro in Dota and make more new frenz
6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?
Yes! Cause it scientifilly Proven=]
7.What is your goal for this year?
Better Result! Get into Jc!=]
8.Do you believe in eternity love?
Yes, I hope so..
9.What feeling do you like the most?
Trilled? I dunnoe...
10.What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Hardworking=] As for looks, anything is okay for BUT must have feeling for her hahas=]
11. What feeling do you hate the most?
12.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Of course!
13.Do you believe god?
YES! i Think so
14.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Cracking Lame Jokes! Friends!
15.Who do you hope to be always there for you?
Frenz and My loved1 lorh=)
16.who is your best friend?
9-bestxiaoyous buddy,XiaoGe SiWei, ChuenLiang and Everyone i noe of
17.Who cares for you the most?
Probably my ownself?
18.Do you think " LOVE " is stupid?
No!! Love is Wonderful.. I supposed=]
19.Who do I hate the most now?
Pround,Arrogant person? *I also hate tough questions!
Added question: Is scoring well for exam mean that your are an intellectual?
Erm.. No!! Intellectual can't simply looked at your result. Scoring well for exam can only tell you that you are a hardworking person.=]
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