Taken at the plane! nice right!

Preparing to go back!

Woontoon noodle!


Beside lots of bombs!

Taking photo with 'Vietnamese'

Different kind of guns!

Live rounds!

Figurine of Vietnamese making Bombs

'Lady boy' trap! beware!!!

The 2 brothers sitting on the American tank!

Beside a tank. Y my eyes closed! sob. =[

This! dangerous bobby-trap

Look!!! from this to...

Trying to squeeze in!

Escape through the small hole!

Handwork. made off egg shells!

Chaotic scenery

Water Buffalo! xD

Walking up the stairs! handsome? jkjk

Waiting to alight at our destination

Mr Lovely!

boats taken at Mekong River

eating bread together. taste brillant!

dark colour t-shirt taking photo together! cool.

3 dirty old man?

the 2 brothers!!

Family's photo

Photo taken with my mum

Another bridge! =.=

bridge taken on the way to Mekong Delta

Drunken prawn with coconut milk! Not bad. xD

My dad dye his hair!!! Omigosh


Afro hairstyle?

Waiting for boat to arrive! sianz

Group photo! Im beside a person holding his slipper! hahas

Sampang boat in Mekong River
On the way to Vietnam
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