
March 20, 2009

Structured Remedial is finally over. Mmn... i shall say it at least kills my time but thinking of waking up very early eeks me. Lots of Holiday assignment i have yet to complete. i doesn't know whether i could complete it on time. Hope so bah. I like thursday the most. Although there school on that day, but i get to go to Science Centre and learnt some interesting fact and Information about DNA. We took some wonderful picture during the lecture. Miss Goh actually did the experiment with us.Cool huh! Bad News is that, there quite a lot of my stupid looking picture being captured by Miss Goh. =[

After all those lecture, we browse around science centre and try out our force at one of the machine. i hit 220N while chuen Liang hit 240+. Crazy sia.. He had monstrous strength. hahas.

After that, me,darren and fauzi walk all the way from Science centre to IMM to eat. Actually, we decided to dine in at Pastamania but sad to say, IMM doesn't have that store. They actually want me blanja them 1 but to bad... eventually, we ate At Bogus and slack there until my parent fetch me to Chua chu kang.


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